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It might be time to rethink the long-held belief that people with foul mouths have smaller lexicons. In fact, a study found, the number of a person drops might actually be correlated with greater overall language fluency.


Taking an opposite approach to the view that people who use dirty words do so because they're linguistically challenged, psychologists Kristin Jay and Timothy Jay of Marist College and the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts hypothesized that being fluent in four-letter words might just be a sign of better language skills.


The researchers recruited study participants between the ages of 18 and 22, and asked them to do a fun little experiment: First, say as many swear words as they could think of in a minute, followed by another 60 seconds of listing animal names.


With limited variation between genders, people who cursed more also named more animals, leading them to conclude that these people either A) were more likely to be well-versed in zoology, or B) simply had larger vocabularies.


Researchers in the U.K. have already shown that using profanity can help people become more emotionally resilient; now we know that it might even be a sign they'll do better on the SAT.


The study also found that people who curse a lot seemed to understand the difference between what constitutes an "appropriate" curse word and an "inappropriate" one. Racial slurs appeared much less frequently in people's lists of swear words than "general pejoratives" .


So the next time you lose your keys or get stuck in traffic, don't be afraid to start letting those f-bombs fly freely.


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